“Beware of scams! Do not provide bank, credit card, investment, insurance and MPF account or other key personal information via hyperlinks embedded in suspicious messages purported to be coming from our institution!”

If verifying the identities of the message senders or authenticity of the messages is required, please contact our Customer Service Hotline 2866 8898.

Online Service Suspension Notice:

In order to cope with system maintenance, our online service will be suspended from 19 Apr 2024, 10 pm to 11:30 pm. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Premium Payment

Premium Payment

Important Notes

Please note the following if payment is made by K Dollars:
In the event of policy cancellation, corresponding K Dollars transaction amount shall be refunded to policyowner’s original K Dollar Program Membership account (wherever applicable including withdrawal of policy application, unsuccessful policy application, cancellation of payment and cancellation of policy within the cooling-off period), refunded K Dollars amount will be rounded down to the nearest integer under whatsoever circumstances and; expiry date of the corresponding K Dollars spent in this transaction shall follow its original expiry date at the time it is being debited for the policy premium payment.
FTLife Insurance Company Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability) (“FTLife”) is not the provider of K Dollars and shall not be liable or responsible for any matters related to K Dollars. In case of any disputes, FTLife and Missions Points Network Company Limited (MPNCL, the service provider of K Dollars) reserve the right of final decision.